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Bridge Education Trust

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  • Respect . Believe . Achieve
  • Expect Success
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Working Together . Achieving Together .
  • We Nurture . We Thrive . We Achieve

Welcome to our Trust

 The Bridge Education Trust (Southampton) is a small group of six primary schools located on the western side of the city, on the south coast of England.

Our Trust was officially formed in March 2023, although we have been working together for a lot longer as the Redbridge and Lordshill Primary Federation, which also includes a further group of schools we are proud to call our partners.  Other important partners include Southampton City Council and our city’s two universities.

Our Trust is based on the c ooperative values of self help, self responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity and we firmly believe in the strong moral compass that runs through all our schools, providing the best possible quality education to the 2,000 children in our communities.

Our children are supported by over 200 staff, both teaching and support staff, who have a deep wish to do their very best at the heart of everything they do. While we are all Foundation (Trust) schools working together, we keep our Local Authority maintained status and our schools retain their individual governing bodies, their own Headteachers and the individual character that makes them special.  This is very important to all of us. Ultimately, we realise that what we do will make a positive difference to the lives of our children and families.  I am very proud to be the first Chair of the Bridge Education Trust (Southampton) and see the difference we make in our schools on a daily basis.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of our schools if you have any questions about us or our work.

Best wishes

Peter Howard 

Headteacher, Fairisle Junior School

Chair, the Bridge Education Trust (Southampton)



  • “Leaders and staff know and care for every pupil well in this inclusive school. Pupils know that adults have high expectations of them both in their learning and behaviour. They rise to the challenges set.”

    Fairisle junior school
    Ofsted, 2023
  • “Pupils are happy. They say their teachers are kind and helpful. Pupils try their best in lessons. The school’s motto, ‘Expect Success’, ensures that pupils have high expectations of themselves.”

    fairisle infant & nursery school
    Ofsted, 2019
  • “Leaders are passionate about their school community and are determined to improve outcomes further for all pupils.”

    Newlands Primary school
    Ofsted, 2018
  • “Leaders use the banner of RESPECT to share their aspirations for pupils: resilience, empathy, strength, pride, excellence, curiosity and teamwork. Pupils try hard to live up to these values.”

    Oakwood primary school
    Ofsted, 2022
  • “Redbridge is a nurturing and very inclusive school. Inspirational leadership, modelled successfully by a highly committed staff team, is focused collectively on providing every pupil with the best education possible.”

    redbridge primary school
    Ofsted, 2019
  • “Pupils are encouraged to develop positive, can-do attitudes to learning at this school. Pupils say they feel valued and cared for.”

    shirley warren primary & nursery school
    Ofsted, 2022